
30 Days To Reduce Anxiety

Each day you’ll get an email from me with a tip or a strategy designed to help you on your journey towards reducing anxiety. We’re not talking airy-fairy stuff here. These are hands-on, actionable tips, and strategies you can use every day to get in the habit of taking control of your anxiety and becoming a happier and more relaxed person.
What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

Over the course of the month I challenge you to think about what dealing with anxiety means, why it is important to deal with the underlying issues, and why we should strive to become more calm and relaxed. Of course I’ll also have plenty of tips and ideas for you to help you on your own journey of reducing anxiety. I explain a little more about how this will work and what inspired me to run this challenge in the first post.
Throughout this course you will discover:

  • The Physical Side of Anxiety
  • Breathing Exercises To Calm Your Nervous System
  • Create A Calm Down Ritual For Yourself
  • How a Day Planner Can Reduce Stress & Anxiety
  • The Relationship Between Certain Foods and Anxiety
  • And much more!
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